Friday, 22 June 2012
She had challenged coffee
By drinking it so precariously in the night.
And the remnants of Kenco
Sent the girl upon a journey,
In company with the creatures of the night,
She and them sat together
Hooing nocturnally in an unrehearsed melody.
Her hooing was not nsync with these fictitious owls,
Rather their mellifluous sounds were with a clear purpose,
A drive to remain awake in worship of their Lord,
In stark contrast to her own mistaken endeavor,
A choice to quench her thirst with something more appealing.
As she sat among these creatures
Feeling ashamed for her purposeless insomnia,
Others joined her for a midnight nightcap,
And in fluttered her neuroses,
Accompanied with its pal narcism.
It was a most peculiar sight,
This hypothetical tree branch now beheld
The girl, sandwiched between her own imaginary selfs’,
and enclosed further between the two wise birds.
Without hesitation,
Neuroses and narcism
Began to coin the reasons
For her current state,
Offering reasons for
Why sleep was not befriending her tonight.
They presented their findings,
The moonlight glorified their display,
As they evidenced past detrimental actions,
Footnoted religious doctrines,
Provided instances of forgotten memories,
And soon gigantic balls of salty droplets
Fell from the figmentational tree branch.
She sat in turmoil,
With sleep nowhere in sight,
Her selves’ were not looking to conclude any time soon,
And the hoo-ing was now
Joined with a most
Unwelcomed whimpering.
This new backbeat was more than what these
Owls had bargained for,
They were already sharing a tight space,
Tolerating a backdrop of idol chit-chat,
And so the two owls
On either side of the unwelcomed guests,
Spread out their glorious wings
Covering the mouths of the noisy couple,
Whilst still continuing their transient trance
Of remembering their Creator,
Settling the girl’s anxious heart.
Amongst the backdrop of harmonious sounds
The girl finally found rest.
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