Monday, 27 June 2011


by Maimona Khan on Sunday, March 6, 2011 at 8:10pm
They say in order to write well, we must write what we know –
And what she knows right now is this:

That in spite of feeling as though she carried around a soul far older than the age of twenty-four,
And only seen and heard of life lessons learnt from beloved real/imaginary creations around her,
Only now was she experiencing life, in all that it could offer her.

No longer does she feel like a princess locked in the highest tower of her own making,
She has climbed down and being here, is different,
Yanneh sometimes great, sometimes not so –
Still the naiveties, nay foolishness of younger entrapped days still persist.

Of course,
The reality of the duel between disappointment and faith persist away from the tower,
And what keeps her from spiralling into defeat: the Knight in Shining White Armour,
Who is not Whom she could have ever imagined herself being worthy of,
Which is not to say she is worthy,
But just that He Cares is –

A most Beautiful consolation Prize.

However, only when she is there is His Presence truly Manifest,
How superficial we princesses are,
Needing the delight of the eyes in order to appreciate the Truths of life…

And see how these so called benchmarks of wants crumble and the backpack, nay suitcase of longstanding worries that she carried around are now –
out on to a conveyor belt to a bygone destination,
And the only feelings subsiding
are the surreptitiousness of a Deen
so incredible, that you abandon your best friend - Melancholy,
As you bask in one’s  soul somersaulting in the melodies of a Faith so real you don’t ever want to leave.


  1. Some lovely lines in there

  2. hey
    mashaa’Allah your writting is amazing!
    Love reading your posts :)

    please also follow my blog

    Take care
    Vazeima F
