Saturday, 29 June 2013


Have u ever lost urself in another person,
And as reality beckoned u
To return to ur wholesome
One of insight
And knowing better
U continued to wither away into an obsession of self gratification
Brought on by a nafs that relishes in clinging to worldliness
And now I lie here
My pillow absorbing my shame,
Struggling to recognise the remnants
Of my actions,
Failing to understand my memories
Accepting my flawed character,
The neediness
Snakes rub against a hard material to shed their old skin
We humans shed dead skin cells when we slumber,
I on the other hand
Refuse to rise to this occasion
Incapable of shedding my bad actions
Instead I have collected these entrails
Packed them in a jam jar
Only to pull them out
To torment myself regularly
Context my dear,
If I remove the context
How can I understand the event?
My solution - prostration and retreat to the His House

Saturday, 9 March 2013

The Dependency

There are many things in my life that I replay,
In order to calculate the exact moment in which my decisions could have dominoed in to what serves as my life these days.

Everything that anyone could have possibly wanted, I have had:
I’ve travelled,
Been awed,
And gazed up at the sky,
As I
Watched time stand still.

Yet here I am again in this cyclical process of having to let go,
And in spite of all the turmoil presented in this place,
I can’t help but feel emotional.
What is this need that I feel?
This need that I need,
To serve as a teacher
To the young, while they are yet
To figure out who they are?

Is it because I am yet to figure out who I am?
Who I am, is not important to me anymore–
I’m not of importance,
When learning is for a purpose,
To educate others,
It’s so much more valuable.

In this place,
I have acquired so much knowledge,
I have understood so much more
About a passion that had always been of secondary importance,
A subject I had happened into,
 The result of my teacher,
Who became a deterrent to my permanence in another organisation I had nestled into…
And so letting go was forced…

What to do now?
What do I depend on now, to help trickle time by?
How do I serve my need to be enveloped in busy-ness?
So I don't become pointless?

Depend on Him,
And surely you will find meaning again.

So here’s to depending on Him,
It’s got me this far.