Saturday, 27 August 2011


In order to move forward we must not forget our past but learn from it. However, if we continue to devour into the emotions that went along with these experiences we will amount to nothing, only a person haunted by dreams and desires left unaccomplished. A zombie, a failure. The reality is, although we may not control much in our lives, we do have the ability to trust. So trust in things worthy of our time. Not people, but ourselves and the belief of the Oneness of everything.


No matter the route we take, each journey ultimately leads to the One destination. This is how we can celebrate in our shared dream, a shared destination. So rejoice and relax, basque in the merriment of contentment encircling our hearts, because we trust what we know is the only Reality. Do not pay lip service to that which we know is Divine, obey our shared Covenant and see how miracles somersault in the day-to-day routines of our lives.


Love with no boundaries, with no expectations. Let’s expand the capacity in our hearts, so when we finally reach the extent of our fulfilment of humanly desire, we reach the next stage of our ability to Love. Like Bibi Zulieikha (RA), no longer in love with a creation but in complete love with her’s and our Creator.


So thank you God Most High, for sadness, pain, trust, miracles, and love. In You we trust, and to You is our journey of return.


  1. 'Like Bibi Zulieikha (RA), no longer in love with a creation but in complete love with her’s and our Creator' Amazing! Simply beautiful! Reminds me of the saint Rabia al Basri, completely immersed in her love for the creator. Prepared to sacrifice heaven/be burnt in the hellfire should her worship deviate from any other purpose than to devote herself to God. Love how many of your poems draw back to the 'simplicity of life'. How everyone has their own complex path in life, winding this way and that way. So many complications we encounter on our paths but every path is leading to one end and one entity: The creator. It is like you have articulated something which i've been thinking about for a long time, but could never quite put into words. MashAllah. keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks! I'm really fascinated by RabIa Al Basri, in fact Amena and I were having this conversation the other day! Keep your beautiful comments coming sista ;))
