The phone rang
It was him.
Urging her to define what to him did not need defining, a month earlier.
Pause II
It was April 9th,
It had been just like her dream had foretold.
She came home,
And he was not there.
Sure he reassured her that his holiday was completely unrelated,
But there in itself was a banner,
Clearly stating, what so many had concluded.
As she boarded the aeroplane,
A realisation dawned on her,
Her heart yearned in agony,
Begging the question:
Could she love him?
He had showed his kindness
To those who she held dear,
Could this mean he was right for her?
But hang on --------------------------------
There had been an absence in news from him,
Clearly he did not feel the same.
She conceded defeat on this matter,
And in only quite moments alone, she contemplated contemplations
about him.
May 9th –
The desperation in his voice reassured her,
Endeared him to her once again,
So many confidants had told her to ignore these nightly calls,
But she couldn’t,
She was happy to be there for him –
And therefore gave him what he wanted.
They were together again.
June 13th –
He appeared with flowers,
Reassuring his affection,
Cementing hers.
But then,
The most amazing thing transpired,
Or didn’t,
His affections became fainter,
And fainter,
As she scurried to find comfort in instances of kindness and –
She couldn’t.
Her gigantic eyes swelled up,
She would have to let go,
But she muted these obvious concerns,
And resided to being there.
FWD >>
He continued in his “woe to me attitude”,
Paying little regard to her,
Only wanting to preoccupy his bored existence,
Spitting unkindness,
And so she finally ended Round 2,
She being the one,
Knocking him out!
FWD >>
Ten days of aching,
Knowing that she had been the one,
For all this heartache,
She did what was inclined to her gender,
She bended,
And re-established contact.
It lasted 3 weeks,
When the phone rang once again,
“I really really like you…”
I should bloody well hope so –
“But there’s no future.”
“I could be wrong.”
And there it was,
Round 3,
She was KO-ed.
There were no more rounds left.
These two players,
Had nothing left to fight for,
And so they didn’t.
this is beautiful.. so many emotions!